2018 & 2019 Regional Champions

UNC-CH Climbing Club

The climbing club at UNC takes advantage of two climbing walls on campus to provide training, mentorship, and memories for both experienced climbers and those new to climbing. Explore this website to learn more about what we do and why. Below, see a video made by Isabel Cosby, showcasing some club members:

Check out the

2021-2022 Climbing Club Highlight Reel 

Created by Social Chair Dana Bumbalo!

What We Offer

Members of the club have the opportunity to compete in collegiate climbing competitions, free access to outdoor climbing equipment, and a discounted rate to a local bouldering gym. In addition to that, members participate in social events, team-bonding excursions, and service projects that benefit the local Chapel Hill community.

Training & Competitions

Equipment & Discounts

Community & Service

UNC-Chapel Hill
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